Thursday, February 20, 2014

Welcome Back Adidas

(I will work on my pictures, I promise)
 My new Adidas Supernova Glides

Supernova Glide 6: 

Let me preface this first by saying, it’s been a long time since I’ve made it my obsession to run all day every day.  How come, you might ask yourself?  Well, I’m going to use the age old excuse (and a good one I have learned)……….. I am a full time mom, with a full-time job and so therefore I need full time rest whenever possible.  My goal this year is to make running my obsession again, but this time it will typically include my 1 ½ year old, a baby jogger and a sippy cup.  So, let’s just use this past Saturday as my start date and the beginning of my footwear blog.  By the way, did you know that we have Adidas in stock again? We are carrying the Adidas Supernova Glide and the Adistar Boost!

Now that we are carrying Adidas again, I thought I’d better give these bad boys a try.  I’ll be honest, traditionally I have stuck with my first love the Brooks Ravenna.  The Ravenna and I are the perfect match but this year I’ve decided it’s time for a change.  New hairdo, new running apparel, new shoe and maybe even a new sports bra.  I am ready to start hitting the pavement again regularly….. as long as it’s not too cold, of course.  My first test run in the Supernova Glide 6 was a hilly 3 miler with my dog and little Arcade Fire in the background to get my morning run started off right, followed by a 6 miler the next day with the iRun training class .  I have to say this shoe feels like a lightweight trainer.  Light, soft, and somewhat low profile especially in the forefoot.  If you like to feel the road and still want a soft ride, I think this might be the best of both worlds.  This Boost cushioning technology has a nice little bounce to it, which I first noticed when I tried it on in the store.  The upper is extremely flexible, soft and breathable.  I loved the seamless mesh, so I think anyone with bunion issues might still feel comfortable in this shoe.  The only other thing for me that made this shoe work was adding my Powersteps, which I like for extra arch support.  Overall, the Supernova Glide was a success, I think it will remain on my weekly shoe rotation and for sure my next 5K race. 
iRunning Mama

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